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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Medical negligence – Deficiency in service – Determination of quantum of compensation – Just compensation – Eggshell skull rule – Inapplicability:

* Author

[2024] 4 S.C.R. 757 : 2024 INSC 330

Jyoti Devi


Suket Hospital & Ors.

(Civil Appeal No. 5256 of 2024)

23 April 2024

[Sanjay Karol* and Aravind Kumar, JJ.]

Issue for Consideration

Post surgery of appendicitis at respondent hospital, the claimantappellant suffered continuous pains near the surgical site. Eventually

upon investigation, it was found that a 2.5 cm needle was present

in the abdomen and for removing it another surgery had to be

performed. District Forum passed award directing Rs.5 lakhs to

be paid to the appellant. However, State Commission reduced the

compensation to Rs.1 lakhs. NCDRC applying the eggshell skull

rule enhanced the compensation to Rs.2 lakhs. Appellant sought

enhancement of compensation.


Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Medical negligence

– Deficiency in service – Determination of quantum of

compensation – Just compensation – Eggshell skull rule –


Held: The factum of negligence on the part of the respondent

Hospital as well as respondent No.2 was not doubted across fora –

Although the State Commission differed with the District Forum on

the presence of the needle, the NCDRC found the medical record

to testify the presence of a needle in the abdomen and also found

that the respondent Hospital was found wanting in terms of postoperative care – In determining compensation in cases of medical

negligence, a balance has to be struck between the demands of

the person claiming compensation, as also the interests of those

being made liable to pay – What qualifies as just compensation has

to be considered in the facts of each case – Despite having made

observations regarding the service rendered by the Hospital being

deficient and the continuous pain and suffering on the part of the

appellant, the compensation granted was paltry and unjustified –

Further, eggshell skull rule holds the injurer liable for damages that

exceed the amount that would normally be expected to occur – It 

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is a common law doctrine that makes a defendant liable for the

plaintiff’s unforeseeable and uncommon reactions to the defendant’s

negligent or intentional tort – The persons to whose cases this rule

can be applied, are persons who have pre-existing conditions –

Therefore, for this rule to be appropriately invoked and applied, the

person in whose case an adjudicatory authority applies must have

a pre-existing condition falling into either of the four categories –

Impugned judgment is silent as to how the Eggshell Skull Rule rule

applied to the present case – Nowhere it mentioned as to what

criteria had been examined, and then, upon analysis, found to be

met by the appellant for it to be termed that she had an eggshell

skull, or for that matter, what sort of pre-existing condition was

she afflicted by, making her more susceptible to such a reaction

brought on because of surgery for appendicitis – Awards of the

NCDRC and State Commission set aside while that of the District

Forum restored – Rs.5 lakhs with 9% simple interest to be paid

by the respondents to the appellant for being medically negligent

and providing services deficient in nature – Cost of litigation @

Rs.50,000/- also imposed. [Paras 11, 12.3.1, 12.3.3, 12.4.1, 16-18]

Doctrine – Common law doctrine – Rule of tort – Eggshell

skull rule – Application of the rule – Jurisprudence:

Held: Jurisprudence of the application of this rule, as developed (in

countries other than India) has fit into four categories – First, when a

latent condition of the plaintiff has been unearthed – Second, when

the negligence on the part of the wrongdoer re-activates a plaintiff’s

pre-existing condition that had subsided due to treatment – Third,

wrongdoer’s actions aggravate known, pre-existing conditions,

that have not yet received medical attention – Fourth, when the

wrongdoer’s actions accelerate an inevitable disability or loss of

life due to a condition possessed by the plaintiff, even when the

eventuality would have occurred with time, in the absence of the

wrongdoer’s actions – The persons to whose cases this rule can be

applied, are persons who have pre-existing conditions– Therefore,

for this rule to be appropriately invoked and applied, the person in

whose case an adjudicatory authority applies must have a pre-existing

condition falling into either of the four categories. [Para 12.4.3]

Compensation – Just compensation:

Held: The idea of compensation is based on restitutio in integrum,

which means, make good the loss suffered, so far as money is able

to do so, or, in other words, take the receiver of such compensation, 

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

back to a position, as if the loss/injury suffered by them hadn’t

occurred – Compensation doesn’t acquire the quality of being just

simply because the Tribunal awarding it believes it to be so – For

it to be so, it must be adequate; fair; and equitable, in the facts

and circumstances of each case. [Para 12.3.2]

Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Scope of – Discussed. [Para


Case Law Cited

C. Venkatachalam v. Ajitkumar C. Shah and others

[2011] 13 SCR 814 : (2011) 12 SCC 707; J.J. Merchant

(Dr) v. Shrinath Chaturvedi [2002] Supp. 1 SCR 469 :

(2002) 6 SCC 635; Common Cause v. Union of India

[1993] 1 SCR 10 : (1997) 10 SCC 729; M.A Biviji v.

Sunita & Ors. [2023] 15 SCR 113 : (2024) 2 SCC 242;

Jacob Matthew v. State of Punjab [2005] Supp. 2 SCR

307 : (2005) 6 SCC 1; Dr. Mrs. Chanda Rani Akhouri

v. Dr. M.A. Methusethupati [2022] 5 SCR 812 : (2022)

SCC OnLine SC 481; Harish Kumar Khurana v. Joginder

Singh (2021) 10 SCC 291; Nizam’s Institute of Medical

Sciences v. Prasanth S. Dhananka [2009] 9 SCR 313 :

(2009) 6 SCC 1; Sarla Verma v. DTC [2009] 5 SCR

1098 : (2009) 6 SCC 1 – relied on.

Balram Prasad v. Kunal Saha and Ors. [2013] 12 SCR

30 : (2014) 1 SCC 384; V. Krishnakumar v. State of

Tamil Nadu & Ors. [2015] 8 SCR 100 : (2015) 9 SCC

388; Nand Kishore Prasad v. Mohib Hamidi and Ors.

[2019] 7 SCR 1076 : (2019) 6 SCC 512 – referred to.

Vasburg v. Putney 50 N.W 403 (Wis 1891); Dulieu v.

While & Sons (1901) 2 KB 669; White and Others v.

Chief Constable of South Yorkshire and Others; Athey v.

Leonati [1996] 3 SCR 458; James E. Niehus and Denise

Niehus v. Vince Liberio and Frank Vittorio 973 F.2d 526

(7th Cir. 1992); Lancaster v. Norfolk and Western Ry.

Co. 773 F.2d 807, 820 (7th Cir. 1985) – referred to.

Books and Periodicals Cited

Mark A. Geistfeld, Proximate Cause Untangled, 80

Md L. Rev. 420 (2021); Steve P. Calandrillo & Dustin

E. Buelher, Eggshell Economics: A Revolutionary 

760 [2024] 4 S.C.R.

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Approach to the Eggshell Plaintiff Rule, 74 Ohio St. L.J

375 (2013); Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability For

Physical and Emotional Harm, American Law Institute,

2010 – referred to.

List of Acts

Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

List of Keywords

Medical negligence; Deficiency in service; Needle in abdomen;

Continuous pain and suffering post surgery; Post-operative care;

Determination of quantum of compensation; Just compensation;

Eggshell skull rule; Common law doctrine.

Case Arising From

CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION: Civil Appeal No. 5256 of 2024

From the Judgment and Order dated 01.09.2015 of the National

Consumers Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi in RP No.

57 of 2015

Appearances for Parties

Subhash Chandran K. R., Ms. Krishna L. R., Biju P Raman, Advs.

for the Appellant.

Mritunjay Kumar Sinha, Mrs. Vimal Sinha, J. P. N. Shahi, Rameshwar

Prasad Goyal, Advs. for the Respondents.

Judgment / Order of the Supreme Court


Sanjay Karol, J.

Leave granted.

2. In ordinary circumstances, a procedure concerning appendicitis is

considered to be routine. It did not turn out to be so for Jyoti Devi1


She was admitted to Suket Hospital, Sundernagar, Mandi, Himachal

Pradesh on 28th June 2005 and had her appendicitis removed by Dr.

Anil Chauhan, Senior Surgeon, Suket Hospital. Post surgery, she

1 Hereafter, ‘claimant-appellant’

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

was discharged on 30th June 2005. However, her ordeal did not end

there. She suffered continuous pains near the surgical site, as such

she was admitted again on 26th July 2005 but was discharged the

next day with the assurance that no further pain would be suffered

by her. She was further treated by one Dr. L.D. Vaidya of Mandav

Hospital, Mandi, on the reference of Dr. Anil Chauhan respondent

no.2 herein. Yet again, there was no end to her suffering. This process

continued for a period of four years.

3. The claimant - appellant eventually landed up for treatment at the

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science, Chandigarh. Upon

investigation, it was found that a 2.5 cm foreign body (needle) “is

present below the anterior abdominal wall in the preveside region

just medial to previous abdominal scar (Appendectomy)” for which

a further surgery had to be performed for its removal.

4. Alleging negligence on the part of the respondent - Suket Hospital, a

claim was brought for the “huge pain and spent money on treatment”

totalling to Rs.19,80,000/-.

5. The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, Mandi, H.P.2

, while

adjudicating Complaint Case No.262 of 2011 vide award dated 18th

December, 2013 under Section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act,

1986, concluded as under:-

“15. In the case at hand, the complainant has suffered

physical pain for more than five years due to negligence of

opposite parties no. 1 and 2. …we feel that compensation

for Rs.5,00,000/- in lump sum is just and proper to meet

out the injury of the complainant. …Opposite parties no. 3

and 4 have taken plea that they are only liable for bodily

injury as per the contract for death, injury, illness or disease

of or any person. In the present case the complainant

was operated by opposite party no.2 for appendicitis but

after operation, the complainant developed pain and pus

started oozing out from stitches and she was operated

at PGI where needle was extracted by the doctor from

her abdomen. Therefore, the case of the complainant is

covered under injury and illness and opposite parties no.3

2 For short, ‘District Forum’

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and 4 are liable to pay compensation awarded against

opposite parties no.1 and 2 being the insurers”

6. On appeal preferred by the present respondents (First Appeal No.70 of

2014 dated 23rd September 2014) the H.P. State Consumer Disputes

Redressal Commission, Shimla3

 observed that:-

“…needle was not left at the site of surgery, at the Hospital

of the appellants, when the complainant was operated for

removal of appendicitis, yet from an overall reading of the

pleadings and evidence on record, it can be said that surgery

conducted at the clinic of the appellants, was the cause of

pain, which the complainant had been having at-least upto

December, 2008, when the pus was drained out.”

7. The respondents herein were held liable to compensate the appellant

for the physical pain, mental agony, and expenses incurred by her,

to the tune of Rs.1,00,000/-, thereby partly allowing the respondent’s


8. The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission4

, in the

Revision Petition 57 of 2015 arising out of the order of the State

Commission observed that the post-operative care provided by the

respondents was casual and fell short of the standard of medical

care. They had failed to investigate the non-healing surgical wound

thereby constituting a deficiency in service. The NCDRC refused to

accept the argument that since the appellant had received care at

other hospitals as well it would be difficult to determine who was

responsible for the needle in the abdomen.

9. The egg-skull rule was applied to hold an individual liable for all

consequences of their act. The compensation awarded by the State

Commission was enhanced to Rs.2,00,000/-.

10. Hence, the claimant-appellant prefers the present appeal, seeking

enhancement of compensation. We may state, for ample clarity,

that, the present dispute arose within the contours of the Consumer

Protection Act, 1986, the predecessor legislation to the current

Consumer Protection Act, 2019.

3 For short, ‘State Commission’

4 For brevity, ‘NCDRC’

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

11. The factum of negligence on the part of the respondent Hospital as

well as respondent No.2 has not been doubted, across fora. Although

the State Commission had differed with the District Forum on the

presence of the needle, the NCDRC, in para 5 of the impugned

judgment and order, found the medical record to testify to the presence

of a needle in the abdomen and also found that the respondent

Hospital was found wanting in terms of post-operative care.

12. The primary ground alleged, in submitting that the finding of medical

negligence is unjustified, was that there has been a recorded gap

of time where the appellant did not suffer from any pain (1½ years).

However, we notice the NCDRC to have observed her period of

suffering to be more than 5 years, implying thereby that the gap in

suffering aspect has not been accepted. No material has been placed

before us to take a different view therefrom. The respondents are

not the ones who have approached this Court. As such, we are only

required to examine the sufficiency of compensation as awarded by

way thereof. The same, though, cannot be appositely done without

having appreciated pronouncements of this Court on the scope and

purpose of the Consumer Protection Act; medical negligence; and

compensation in such cases as also, the rule of tort law known as

the ‘eggshell skull’ rule.

12.1 Scope of the Consumer Protection Act

12.1.1 An examination of the decisions of this Court in C.

Venkatachalam v. Ajitkumar C. Shah and others5

and J.J. Merchant (Dr) v. Shrinath Chaturvedi6


Common Cause v. Union of India7

 among a host of other

pronouncements, reveals the following in this regard:-

i. It is a benevolent, socially orientated legislation,

the declared aim of which is aimed at protecting

the interests of consumers;

ii. Its goal is to provide inexpensive and prompt

remedies for the grievances of consumers against

defective goods and deficient services;

5 [2011] 13 SCR 814 : (2011) 12 SCC 707

6 [2002] Supp. 1 SCR 469 : (2002) 6 SCC 635

7 [1993] 1 SCR 10 : (1997) 10 SCC 729

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iii. For the above-stated objective, keeping in view the

accessibility of these grievance redressal bodies to

all, to all persons, quasi-judicial bodies have been

set up at the district, state, and national levels;

iv. These bodies have been formed to save the

aggrieved consumer from the hassle of filing a civil

suit, i.e., provide for a prompt remedy in the nature

of award or where appropriate, compensation,

after having duly complied with the principles of

natural justice;

12.2 The Law on Medical Negligence

12.2.1 Three factors required to prove medical negligence, as

recently observed by this Court in M.A Biviji v. Sunita &


, following the landmark pronouncement in Jacob

Matthew v. State of Punjab9

, are :-

“36.As can be culled out from above, the three

essential ingredients in determining an act of

medical negligence are : (1.) a duty of care

extended to the complainant, (2.) breach of that

duty of care, and (3.) resulting damage, injury

or harm caused to the complainant attributable

to the said breach of duty. However, a medical

practitioner will be held liable for negligence

only in circumstances when their conduct falls

below the standards of a reasonably competent


12.2.2 To hold a doctor liable, this Court in Dr. Mrs. Chanda

Rani Akhouri v. Dr. M.A. Methusethupati10 observed: -

“…. a medical practitioner is not to be held

liable simply because things went wrong from

mischance or misadventure or through an

error of judgment in choosing one reasonable

course of treatment in preference to another.

8 [2023] 15 SCR 113 : (2024) 2 SCC 242

9 [2005] Supp. 2 SCR 307 : (2005) 6 SCC 1

10 [2022] 5 SCR 812 : 2022 SCC OnLine SC 481

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

In the practice of medicine, there could be

varying approaches of treatment. There could

be a genuine difference of opinion. However,

while adopting a course of treatment, the duty

cast upon the medical practitioner is that he

must ensure that the medical protocol being

followed by him is to the best of his skill and

with competence at his command. At the

given time, medical practitioner would be

liable only where his conduct fell below that

of the standards of a reasonably competent

practitioner in his field.”

(Emphasis supplied)

12.2.3 Observations in Harish Kumar Khurana v. Joginder

Singh11 are also instructive. Bopanna J., writing for the

Court held:

“…It is necessary that the hospital and the

doctors are required to exercise sufficient care

in treating the patient in all circumstances.

However, in unfortunate cases, though death

may occur and if it is alleged to be due to

medical negligence and a claim in that regard is

made, it is necessary that sufficient material or

medical evidence should be available before the

adjudicating authority to arrive at a conclusion.”

(emphasis supplied)

These observations, although made in the context of a patient

having passed away in the course of, or as a result of treatment,

nonetheless are essential even in cases where the claimant

has suffered an injury.

12.3 Determination of the Quantum of Compensation

12.3.1 This Court has held that in determining compensation

in cases of medical negligence, a balance has to be

struck between the demands of the person claiming

11 (2021) 10 SCC 291

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compensation, as also the interests of those being made

liable to pay. It was observed in Nizam’s Institute of

Medical Sciences v. Prasanth S. Dhananka12 -

“88. We must emphasise that the court has

to strike a balance between the inflated and

unreasonable demands of a victim and the

equally untenable claim of the opposite party

saying that nothing is payable. Sympathy for

the victim does not, and should not, come in

the way of making a correct assessment, but

if a case is made out, the court must not be

chary of awarding adequate compensation. The

“adequate compensation” that we speak of, must

to some extent, be a rule of thumb measure,

and as a balance has to be struck, it would be

difficult to satisfy all the parties concerned.

89. It must also be borne in mind that life has

its pitfalls and is not smooth sailing all along the

way (as a claimant would have us believe) as

the hiccups that invariably come about cannot

be visualised. Life it is said is akin to a ride on

a roller-coaster where a meteoric rise is often

followed by an equally spectacular fall, and the

distance between the two (as in this very case)

is a minute or a yard.”

In the very same judgment, it was further observed, particularly

in cases of the person being injured:-

“90. At the same time we often find that a person

injured in an accident leaves his family in greater

distress vis-à-vis a family in a case of death. In

the latter case, the initial shock gives way to a

feeling of resignation and acceptance, and in

time, compels the family to move on. The case of

an injured and disabled person is, however, more

pitiable and the feeling of hurt, helplessness,

despair and often destitution enures every

12 [2009] 9 SCR 313 : (2009) 6 SCC 1

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

day. The support that is needed by a severely

handicapped person comes at an enormous

price, physical, financial and emotional, not only

on the victim but even more so on his family

and attendants and the stress saps their energy

and destroys their equanimity.”

12.3.1 It would also be instructive to refer to the concept of ‘just

compensation’. The idea of compensation is based on

restitutio in integrum, which means, make good the loss

suffered, so far as money is able to do so, or, in other

words, take the receiver of such compensation, back to

a position, as if the loss/injury suffered by them hadn’t

occurred. In Sarla Verma v. DTC13 this Court observed

that compensation doesn’t acquire the quality of being

just simply because the Tribunal awarding it believes

it to be so. For it to be so, it must be, (i) adequate; (ii)

fair; and (iii) equitable, in the facts and circumstances of

each case. This understanding was reiterated in Balram

Prasad v. Kunal Saha and Ors14, V. Krishnakumar

v. State of Tamil Nadu & Ors,

15 and Nand Kishore

Prasad v. Mohib Hamidi and Ors16.

12.3.2 What qualifies as just compensation, as noticed above,

has to be considered in the facts of each case. In Balram

Prasad (supra) it has been observed that this court has

been ‘skeptical about using a straightjacket multiplier

method for determining the quantum of compensation

in medical negligence claims’.

12.3 Eggshell Skull Rule

12.4.1 This rule (applied by the NCDRC) holds the injurer liable

for damages that exceed the amount that would normally

be expected to occur. It is a common law doctrine that

makes a defendant liable for the plaintiff’s unforeseeable

and uncommon reactions to the defendant’s negligent

13 [2009] 5 SCR 1098 : (2009) 6 SCC 1

14 [2013] 12 SCR 30 : (2014) 1 SCC 384

15 [2015] 8 SCR 100 : (2015) 9 SCC 388

16 [2019] 7 SCR 1076 : (2019) 6 SCC 512 

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or intentional tort. In simple terms, a person who has

an eggshell skull is one who would be more severely

impacted by an act, which an otherwise “normal person”

would be able to withstand. Hence the term eggshell to

denote this as an eggshell is by its very nature, brittle.

It is otherwise termed as “taking the victim as one finds

them” and, therefore, a doer of an act would be liable

for the otherwise more severe impact that such an act

may have on the victim.

12.4.2 This rule is well recognized and has often formed the

basis of which compensation has been awarded in

countries such as the United States of America. So

much so, that a famous treatise records as follows

“Extensive research has failed to identify a single United

States case disavowing the rule”17 Its origins, if not by

that name, have been traced back to 1891 in a decision

of the Washington State Supreme Court- Vasburg v.

Putney18. In this case, arising out of a common childhood

altercation, Putney, a twelve-year-old child had kicked the

fourteen-year-old Vasburg, which aggravated a previous

injury (of which Putney was not aware), leading to his

permanent incapacitation. Putney was held liable. The

Court opined “the wrongdoer is liable for all the injuries

resulting directly from the wrongful act, whether they

could or could not have been foreseen by him”.

12.4.3 The jurisprudence of the application of this rule, as has

developed, (needless to add, in countries other than

India) has fit into four categories19- first, when a latent

condition of the plaintiff has been unearthed; second,

when the negligence on the part of the wrongdoer reactivates a plaintiff’s pre-existing condition that had

subsided due to treatment; third, wrongdoer’s actions

aggravate known, pre-existing conditions, that have not

yet received medical attention; and fourth, when the

17 Mark A. Geistfeld, Proximate Cause Untangled, 80 Md L. Rev. 420 (2021)

18 50 N.W 403 (Wis 1891)

19 Steve P. Calandrillo & Dustin E. Buelher, Eggshell Economics: A Revolutionary Approach to the Eggshell

Plaintiff Rule, 74 Ohio St. L.J 375 (2013) 

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

wrongdoer’s actions accelerate an inevitable disability or

loss of life due to a condition possessed by the plaintiff,

even when the eventuality would have occurred with

time, in the absence of the wrongdoer’s actions. As these

categories and, the name of the rule itself suggest, the

persons to whose 20cases this rule can be applied, are

persons who have pre-existing conditions.21 Therefore,

for this rule to be appropriately invoked and applied, the

person in whose case an adjudicatory authority applies

must have a pre-existing condition falling into either of

the four categories described above.

12.4.4 It would be opportune to refer to a few judgments across

jurisdictions to better discern the application of this rule.

™ The King’s Bench in Dulieu v. While & Sons22 while

speaking in reference to American cases cited at

that Bar where the New York Court had refused to

pay compensation for ‘fright’ to a woman who while

waiting for a tram, was nearly run-over by a horsedrawn cart, and as result of the same fainted, suffer

a miscarriage and subsequent illness; observed:

“It may be admitted that the plaintiff in this

American case would not have suffered

exactly as she did, and probably not to

the same extent as she did, if she had not

been pregnant at the time; and no doubt the

defendants’ horses could not anticipate that

she was in this condition. But what does

that fact matter? If a man is negligently

run over or otherwise negligently injured in

his body, it is no answer to the sufferer’s

claim for damages that he would have

suffered less injury , or no injury at all, if

he had not had an unusually thin skull or

an unusually weak heart.

20 Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability For Physical and Emotional Harm, American Law Institute, 2010.

21 Geistfeld, 2021 (supra)

22 (1901) 2 KB 669

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™ Griffiths LJ, in White and Others v. Chief

Constable of South Yorkshire and Others

observed in regards to this rule, as follows-

“…The law expects reasonable fortitude

and robustness of its citizens and will not

impose liability for the exceptional frailty

of certain individuals. This is not to be

confused with the “eggshell skull” situation,

where as a result of a breach of duty the

damage inflicted proves to be more serious

than expected. It is a threshold test of

breach of duty; before a defendant will

be held in breach of duty to a bystander

he must have exposed them to a situation

in which it is reasonably foreseeable that

a person of reasonable robustness and

fortitude would be likely to suffer psychiatric


™ The Supreme Court of Canada, in an appeal arising

out of the Court of Appeal for British Colombia,

Athey v. Leonati23 observed that this case in its

own words, is one of “straightforward application

of the thin skull rule.” The application of the rule

as made herein, underscores the existence of

pre-existing conditions. The relevant paragraphs

are as follows:-

43 The findings of the trial judge indicate

that it was necessary to have both the

pre-existing condition and the injuries from

the accidents to cause the disc herniation

in this case. She made a positive finding

that the accidents contributed to the

injury, but that the injuries suffered in the

two accidents were “not the sole cause”

of the herniation. She expressly found

that “the herniation was not unrelated

23 [1996] 3 SCR 458

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

to the accidents” and that the accidents

“contributed to some degree” to the

subsequent herniation. She concluded

that the injuries in the accidents “played

some causative role, albeit a minor one”.

These findings indicate that it was the

combination of the pre-existing condition

and the injuries sustained in the accidents

which caused the herniation. Although

the accidents played a lesser role than

the pre-existing problems, the accidents

were nevertheless a necessary ingredient

in bringing about the herniation.

44 The trial judge’s conclusion on the

evidence was that “[i]n my view, the plaintiff

has proven, on a balance of probabilities,

that the injuries suffered in the two earlier

accidents contributed to some degree

to the subsequent disc herniation”. She

assessed this contribution at 25 percent.

This falls outside the de minimis range

and is therefore a material contribution:

Bonnington Castings, Ltd. v. Wardlaw,

supra. This finding of material contribution

was sufficient to render the defendant fully

liable for the damages flowing from the

disc herniation.

45 The finding of material contribution was

not unreasonable. Although the plaintiff

had experienced back problems before

the accidents, there was no evidence

of herniation or insult to the disc and no

history of complaints of sciatica. When a

plaintiff has two accidents which both cause

serious back injuries, and shortly thereafter

suffers a disc herniation during a mild

exercise which he frequently performed

prior to the accidents, it seems reasonable

to infer a causal connection.

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46 The trial judge found that the plaintiff’s

condition was improving when the herniation

occurred, but this also means that the

plaintiff was still to some extent suffering

from the back injuries from the accidents.

The inference of causal link was supported

by medical evidence and was reasonable.

47 This appeal involves a straightforward

application of the thin skull rule. The preexisting disposition may have aggravated

the injuries, but the defendant must take the

plaintiff as he finds him. If the defendant’s

negligence exacerbated the existing

condition and caused it to manifest in a disc

herniation, then the defendant is a cause

of the disc herniation and is fully liable.

™ Let us now turn to, illustratively, the application of

this rule in the USA. Richard Posner J., speaking

for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in James E.

Niehus and Denise Niehus v. Vince Liberio and

Frank Vittorio24, noted as hereinbelow:

“Niehus was sufficiently drunk when his car

was struck that he mightn’t have felt the

pain of a broken cheekbone. But at least

according to the defendants’ lawyer he had

(though this seems improbable) sobered

up a lot by the time the altercation in the

station house began several hours later,

yet still he said nothing about a pain in

his cheek until after the fight. The doctors

testified as we said that the break was

consistent with a kick though it could of

course have been caused by Niehus’s

striking his head against the door of the

car in the accident. If the jury believed, as

it had every right to do, that Niehus was

kicked in the left side of his face by the

24 973 F.2d 526 (7th Cir. 1992)

[2024] 4 S.C.R. 773

Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

defendants, the fact that the cheekbone

might have been broken already would not

help the defendants. If you kick a person’s

freshly broken cheekbone you are likely

to aggravate the injury substantially, and

the “eggshell skull” or “thin skull” rule,

would make the officers liable for the full

consequences of their kicks even if, had

it not been for a preexisting injury, the

consequences would have been much

less injurious. Oddly, the leading “eggshell

skull” case also involved a kick.”

™ We may also refer to another instance, from the

same Court. In Lancaster v. Norfolk and Western

Ry. Co.25, this rule was applied thus:-

 “All that really matters, moreover, is that

Tynan’s misconduct be attributable to

the railroad, as is easily done under a

thoroughly conventional interpretation of

respondent superior. It was he (the jury

could have found) who pushed Lancaster

over the edge. That Lancaster may have

been made especially susceptible to such

misconduct by earlier acts for which the

railroad might or might not be liable would

be no defense. Under the “thin skull,” or

more colorfully the “eggshell skull,” rule,

the railroad would be fully liable for the

consequences of Tynan’s assault. See,

e.g., Vosburg v. Putney, 80 Wis. 523, 50

N.W. 403 (1891); Stoleson v. United States,

708 F.2d 1217, 1221 (7th Cir. 1983).”)


The fact that the railroad had weakened

Lancaster by earlier misconduct for which it

could not be held liable would be irrelevant

25 773 F.2d 807, 820 (7th Cir. 1985)

774 [2024] 4 S.C.R.

Digital Supreme Court Reports

to its liability for Tynan’s assault and to

the amount of damages it would have to

pay. The tortfeasor takes his victim as he

finds him (emphatically so if the victim’s

weakened condition is due to earlier, albeit

time-barred, torts of the same tortfeasor);

that is the eggshell-skull rule. The single

act of Tynan made the railroad fully liable

for all the damages that Lancaster sought

and the jury awarded.”

13. Let us now turn our attention back to the facts in presenti. Keeping

in view the afore-noted position of law in regard to the benevolent

purpose of the Consumer Protection Act, the aspects required to

be established to allege medical negligence, the determination of

compensation in a case where a person is injured, we find the manner

in which compensation stood reduced by the State Commission

as also the NCDRC, vis-à-vis the District Forum to be based on

questionable reasoning.

14. The State Commission has recognized that the appellant herein had

not been treated “with the care expected at a medical clinic”; she had

been suffering from persistent pain right from 2005 until December,

2008; and that post-surgical care was deficient which undoubtedly

constitutes a deficiency in service and yet found it appropriate to

reduce the compensation to a mere Rs.1 lakh. This clearly is not in

line with the balance of interests required to be borne in mind while

determining compensation.

15. The NCDRC observed that the claimant-appellant’s treatment at the

respondent-Hospital was ‘casual’; that the excuse of having sought

treatment at other hospitals was not available to the respondents

and that she had suffered pain for more than 5 years apart from

the case having been dragged on for more than a decade, and yet

lumpsum compensation was only Rs.2 lakhs.

16. How could such compensation be justified, after observations

having been made regarding the service rendered by the Hospital,

being deficient, and the continuous pain and suffering on the part

of the claimant-appellant, is something we fail to comprehend.

Compensation by its very nature, has to be just. For suffering, no

part of which was the claimant-appellant’s own fault, she has been

awarded a sum which can, at best, be described as ‘paltry’. 

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Jyoti Devi v. Suket Hospital & Ors.

17. In regard to the application of the Eggshell-Skull Rule, we may

observe that the impugned judgment is silent as to how this rule

applies to the present case. Nowhere is it mentioned, as to what

criteria had been examined, and then, upon analysis, found to be met

by the claimant-appellant for it to be termed that she had an eggshell

skull, or for that matter, what sort of pre-existing condition was she

afflicted by, making her more susceptible to such a reaction brought

on because of surgery for appendicitis. All that has been stated is,

“9. Therefore, OP cannot take a plea that; patient took

treatment from few other hospitals which might have

caused the retention of needle in the abdominal wall. In this

context we apply the “Egg Skull Rule” in this case, wherein

liability exists for damages stemming from aggravation of

prior injuries or conditions. It holds an individual liable for

all consequences resulting from their activities leading to

an injury, even if the victim suffers unusual damage due

to pre-existing vulnerability or medical condition”

If we take the rule as exposited by the NCDRC, even then it stands

to reason that the record ought to have been speaking of a preexisting vulnerability or medical condition, because of which the

victim may have suffered ‘unusual damage’. However, none of the

orders - be it District, State Commission or the NCDRC refer to any

such condition.

18. Considering the discussion as aforesaid, we deem it fit to set

aside the Awards of the NCDRC as also the State Commission

and restore the Award as passed by the District Forum, meaning

thereby that a sum of Rs.5 lakhs ought to be paid expeditiously by

the respondents to the appellant for being medically negligent and

providing services deficient in nature. The sum of Rs.5 lakhs shall

be accompanied by interest simple in nature @ 9% from the date

of the award passed by the District Forum. The same be paid within

a period of four weeks from the date of this judgment. Additionally,

a cost of Rs.50,000/- be paid in terms of the cost of litigation. The

appeal is accordingly allowed.

Headnotes prepared by: Divya Pandey Result of the case:

Appeal allowed.