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since 1985 practicing as advocate in both civil & criminal laws



Friday, August 26, 2011

The respondent alleged that during the period January 2004 to August, 2005, challans/chargesheets were filed in 392 cases relating to rape of minor girls; that out of them, 377 minor girls, did not get any relief or assistance from the Relief Fund, 13 were granted relief ranging from Rs.10,000 to 50,000, one victim (minor `K') was given Rs.3,95,000 on 11.8.2004 and another victim (minor `S') was given Rs.5,00,000 on 25.6.2005. 3. The appellant submitted that minor girls, that too victims of rape, belong to a weak and vulnerable group who are seldom in a position to seek relief personally; and that if the Chief Minister was of the view that monetary relief should be granted to such victims of heinous and depraved crimes, all similar victims of rape should be given monetary relief. According to him if there were 392 victims of rape, they should all be similarly treated and if some are given relief, others also should be given similar relief. It is contended that when discretion vested in the Chief Minister in respect of the Relief Fund is exercised in a manner that 377 victims are ignored and 13 are paid amounts varying from Rs.10,000 to 50,000 and two victims alone are paid Rs.3,95,000 and Rs.5,00,000, it leads to inferences of arbitrariness and discrimination.


                    IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                       CIVIL APPEAL NO.7333  OF 2011

                    [Arising out of SLP [C] No.12721/2009]

State of Rajasthan & Ors.                                         ... Appellants


Sanyam Lodha                                                      ... Respondent

                                 J U D G M E N T


       Delay condoned. Leave granted.

2.     This appeal arises from a decision of the Rajasthan High Court in a 

public interest litigation filed by a Legislator and social activist complaining 

of   arbitrary   and   discriminatory   disbursement   of   relief   under   the   Chief 

Minister's  Relief  Fund (for short `Relief fund') under the Rajasthan  Chief 


Minister's Relief Fund Rules, 1999 (for short, `the Relief Fund Rules'). The 

respondent   alleged   that   during   the   period   January   2004   to   August,   2005, 

challans/chargesheets were filed in 392 cases relating to rape of minor girls; 

that out of them, 377 minor girls, did not get any relief or assistance from 

the Relief Fund, 13 were granted relief ranging from Rs.10,000 to 50,000, 

one   victim   (minor   `K')   was   given   Rs.3,95,000   on   11.8.2004   and   another 

victim (minor `S') was given Rs.5,00,000 on 25.6.2005.  

3.      The   appellant   submitted   that   minor   girls,   that   too   victims   of   rape, 

belong to a weak and vulnerable group who are seldom in a position to seek 

relief   personally;   and   that   if   the   Chief   Minister   was   of   the   view   that 

monetary relief should be granted to such victims of heinous and depraved 

crimes,   all   similar   victims   of   rape   should   be   given   monetary   relief. 

According   to   him   if   there   were   392   victims   of   rape,   they   should   all   be 

similarly   treated   and   if   some   are   given   relief,   others   also   should   be   given 

similar   relief.   It   is   contended   that   when   discretion   vested   in   the   Chief 

Minister   in   respect   of   the   Relief   Fund   is   exercised   in   a   manner   that   377 

victims   are   ignored   and   13   are   paid   amounts   varying   from   Rs.10,000   to 

50,000 and two victims alone are paid Rs.3,95,000 and Rs.5,00,000, it leads 

to inferences of arbitrariness and discrimination. 


4.     The   appellant   does   not   have   any   grievance   about   payment   of 

Rs.5,00,000 or Rs.3,95,000 to two of the victims. It is also not his complaint 

that the said two victims were undeserving. His grievance is the other way 

around. According to him if two of the victims were paid relief amounts in 

the range of Rs.3,95,000 and Rs.5,00,000, there was no justification for not 

paying   any   amount   to   377   victims,   or   for   paying   amounts   which   were 

comparatively very small (that is Rs.10,000 to 50,000) in the case of thirteen 

victims. He contended that like other governmental resources or funds, the 

distribution   or   monetary   relief   under   the   Relief   Fund   should   be   equitable, 

non-discriminatory   and   non-arbitrary.   He   submitted   that   paying   very   high 

amounts in only one or two cases merely because of media focus on those 

cases   or   because   the   case   had   become   caste-sensitive   or   because   it   was 

politically   expedient,   while   ignoring   other   similar   cases,   was   neither 

warranted   nor   justified.   He   also   contended   that   disbursement   of   monetary 

relief to the victims cannot be in the absolute discretion or according to the 

whims and fancies of the Chief Minister and grant of monetary relief under 

the Relief Fund should not become distribution of government largesse to a 

favoured few. The respondent therefore filed a writ petition (impleading the 

appellants, namely the State of Rajasthan, Home Ministry of the State and 


Secretary to the Chief Minister, as the respondents), seeking the following 

reliefs :     

(i)      a direction to the appellants to give to all rape victims, who had not 

been granted any monetary relief or who had been granted a negligibly small 

relief, monetary relief of Rs.5 lakhs as in the case of `minor K';

(ii)     for a declaration that failure to give monetary relief, or failure to give 

a   uniform   monetary   help,   to   all   victims   of   rape   from   the   Relief   Fund   is 

illegal, arbitrary and unconstitutional; and

(iii)        for   deprecation   of   the   misuse   or   discriminatory   utilization   of   the 

Chief Minister's Relief Fund with a direction to the Chief Minister to adopt 

a fair and non discriminatory policy in regard to disbursement  of amounts 

from   the   Relief   Fund   to   similarly   situated   persons,   in   particular   minor 

victims of rape.

5.       The appellants resisted the writ petition contending that disbursement 

of funds from the Chief Minister's Relief Fund is in implementation of the 

policy of the state government to place at the disposal of the Chief Minister 

of   the   State,   some   funds   for   granting   relief   to   the   needy   and   deserving, 

including   victims   of   calamities,   disasters   and   traumatic   incidents.   It   was 

submitted that the discretion has been vested with the Chief Minister who is 

the highest executive functionary in the State, to ensure proper utilization of 

the fund, that vesting of such  discretion  to grant  some relief to victims of 

disasters,  accidents  and gruesome incidents,  could not be subjected  to any 

rigid guidelines, and that the discretion and power to grant relief from the 

said   fund   is   exercised   by   the   Chief   Minister   in   appropriate   and   deserving 


cases in public interest. It is contended that exercise of discretion in granting 

monetary benefit under such a Relief Fund by a high functionary cannot be 

subjected to principles of equality and non discrimination. 

6.       The High Court allowed the writ petition by order dated 18.12.2007. It 

was of the view that all minor victims of rape required to be treated equally 

for   the   purpose   of   grant   of   relief   by   the   Chief   Minister   under   the   Relief 

Fund. Consequently, the Division Bench directed that Rule 5 of the Relief 

Fund Rules 1999 should be read (prospectively) as under : 

         "This fund shall be under Hon'ble the Chief Minister so that he/she may 

         utilize the fund equally and without discrimination  for grant of financial 


The said order is challenged by the appellants in this appeal by special leave. 

On   the   contentions   urged   in   this   appeal,   the   following   questions   arise   for 

consideration :

(i)      Whether the High Court could have substituted Rule 5 of the Relief 

         Fund Rules?

(ii)     Whether the court was justified in holding that all victims should be 

         "treated   equally"   while   granting   relief   under   the   Chief   Minister's 

         Relief Fund. 

(iii)    Whether   a   rule   could   be   interfered   merely   on   the   ground   it   vests 

         unguided discretion?               


The Rules relating to Chief Minister's Relief Fund

7.      The   Chief   Minister's   Relief   Fund   was   originally   constituted   in 

October 1968. Subsequently the fund was governed by the Rajasthan Chief 

Minister's   Famine   and   Relief   Fund   Rules   1979   (for   short   `Relief   Fund 

Rules').   Subsequently   by   merging   six   different   funds,   namely   Chief 

Minister's   Famine   &   Flood   Relief   Fund,   Hospital   Development   Fund, 

General   Assistance   Fund,   Security   Service   Welfare   Fund,   Child   Welfare 

Fund and Development Fund, the Governor constituted a single fund known 

as   `Rajasthan   Chief   Minister's   Relief   Fund'   governed   by   the   Rajasthan 

Chief Minister's Relief Fund Rules, 1999. 

7.1)    Rule 4 provides that the annual income (by way of interest) from the 

said fund should be spent for the following purposes: (i) Famine, flood and 

accident relief (ii) hospital development and medical assistance; (iii) general 

assistance; (iv) security services welfare assistance, (v) child welfare relief 

and (vi) development of the state, in the proportion of 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, 

5% and 5% respectively. 

7.2)    Rule   5   of   the   Relief   Fund   Rules   reads   thus:   "This   fund   would   be 

under   the   control   of   Hon'ble   Chief   Minister   and   he   would   be   able   to 


sanction financial assistance upto any limit in any manner from this fund." 

This   rules   has   been   substituted   by   a   differently   worded   rule,   by   the   High 

Court (extracted above). 

7.3)    Rule 4 and the note under Rule 5 provide that the provisions of Rules 

4 and 5 were only norms and shall not be considered as barriers for exercise 

of discretion by the Chief Minister and reiterate that only the interest earned 

on the fund should be spent every year.

7.4)    Rule   7   provides   that   the   Secretary   to   the   Chief   Minister   would   be 

authorized,   under   the   overall   control   and   superintendence   of   the   Chief 

Secretary,   for   the   functioning,   capital   investment   and   for   drawing   money 

from accounts of the fund. Rule 8 provides that the accounts of the fund will 

be   maintained   in   the   Chief   Minister's   office   and   audited   by   the   Auditor, 

Local   Fund   Audit   Department.   Rule   10   provides   that   the   Chief   Minister 

would have the right to relax the current provisions of the fund and sanction 

assistance. Rule 11 provides that the rules could be amended by the consent 

of the Chief Minister if so required. 


Re: Question (i)

8.      The appellants contend that Rule 5 of the Relief Fund Rules were not 

under challenge in the writ petition and the High Court was not called upon 

to consider the validity of the said Rule; and that therefore the High Court 

was   not   justified   in   substituting   Rule   (5)   with   a   new   rule,   by   virtually 

exercising legislative functions. 

9.      Rule (5) which has been modified by the High Court in its final order, 

as  noticed  above  is  a  part   of  Rajasthan   Chief Minister  Relief   Fund Rules, 

1999.   The   Relief   Fund   Rules   is   not   a   delegated   legislation.   Though 

described as `Rules', the Relief Fund Rules are norms/guidelines issued in 

exercise   of   the   executive   power   of   the   State   under   Article   162   of   the 

Constitution of India. The Relief Fund rules were not under challenge in the 

writ petition. In fact there was not even a reference to the Relief Fund Rules 

in the writ  petition.  All that  the  PIL  petitioner  (respondent  herein) wanted 

was  that  all  victims of a  particular  category   should be  treated   equally  and 

that if some monetary relief was granted from Chief Minister's Relief Fund, 

to some victims belonging to a particular category, similar relief should be 

granted   to   all   victims   in   that   category.   As   there   was   no   challenge   to   the 

Relief Fund Rules, the State was not called upon to satisfy the High Court 


about   the   validity   of   the   Relief   Fund   Rules.   Similar   Rules   are   in   force   in 

almost all the States in India.

10.     The learned counsel for the respondent submitted that the High Court 

has not declared Rule (5) to be invalid, but has merely read it down, to save 

it   from   being   declared   as   unconstitutional   and   such   reading   down   is 

permissible in law. It is true that any provision of an enactment can be read 

down   so   as   to   erase   the   obnoxious   or   unconstitutional   element   in   it   or   to 

bring   it   in   conformity   with   the   object   of   such   enactment.   Similarly   a   rule 

forming part of executive instructions can also be read down to save it from 

invalidity   or   to   bring   it   in   conformity   with   the   avowed   policy   of   the 

government.   When   courts   find   a   rule   to   be   defective   or   violative   of   the 

constitutional   or   statutory   provision,   they   tend   to   save   the   rule,   wherever 

possible   and   practical,   by   reading   it   down   by   a   benevolent   interpretation, 

rather than declare it as unconstitutional or invalid. But such an occasion did 

not arise in this case as there was no challenge to the validity of Rule 5 and 

the parties were not at issue on the validity of the said rule. 

11.     We are therefore of the view that in the absence of any challenge to 

the Relief Fund Rules and an opportunity to the state government to defend 


the validity  of Rule 5, the High Court ought not to have modified  or read 

down the said Rule. 

Re : Question No. (ii) 

12.     We   may   next   consider   whether   there   was   any   justification   for   the 

decision of the High Court amending Rule 5. The High Court held that out 

of 392 cases of rape where challans were filed between January 2004 to 25th 

July, 2005 relief had been given to only 15 victims and other 377 were not 

given any relief. Even among the 15 who were given relief, 13 were given 

relief   in   the   range   of   Rs.10,000   to   Rs.50,000   and   in   two   cases 

disproportionately high amounts, that is Rs.5 lakhs in one case and Rs.3.95 

lakhs in the other, were awarded. According to the High Court, all victims 

under twelve years of age are to be treated equally. The High Court held that 

section 376(2)(f) of the Indian Penal Code (`Code'  for short) provided for 

the same punishment in regard to all rapes where the victim is under twelve 

years of age, irrespective of the age of the victim. It therefore held that when 

the   Penal   Code   did   not   make   any   distinction   in   regard   to   victims   of   rape 

under   twelve   years,   there   can   be   no   discrimination   in   granting   monetary 

relief to such victims. Consequently, it directed the monetary relief from the 

Chief Minister's Relief Fund to be utilized equally to benefit the victims of 


rape, without any discrimination. The illustrative comparison with reference 

to section 376(2)(5) of the Code, by the High Court, to hold that all victims 

of rape should be treated equally and identically in granting monetary relief, 

is inappropriate and made on an assumption which has no basis, by adopting 

a logic which is defective.

13.     The provisions relating to punishment for offences under criminal law 

have   no   bearing   upon   grant   of   ex-gratia   monetary   benefit   to   some   of   the 

victims.   Secondly,   the   assumption   that   all   cases   of  rape   involving   victims 

under twelve years are liable to be punished identically under the Code, is 

not correct. Section 376(2)(f) no doubt refers to rape of girl/child under the 

age of twelve years as one category, for award of a more severe punishment, 

but does not provide for a fixed quantum of punishment. The  said section 

provides   that  a   person   who  commits   rape   on  a   woman   when  she   is   under 

twelve years of age shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term 

which shall not be less than ten years but which may be for life and shall 

also   be   liable   for   fine.   The   term   of   ten   years   imprisonment   mentioned   in 

section 376(2) is the minimum punishment in regard to cases falling under 

section 376(2)(f). The gravity and perversity of the crime, the need to keep 

the perpetrator out of circulation, the social impact, chances of correcting the 


offender, among other facts and circumstances, will have a bearing upon the 

sentence. The sentence may vary for any period between life and ten years. 

The   amount   of   fine   may   also   vary   depending   upon   the   aforesaid 

circumstances   and  in addition,  the  financial  position  of the  victim  and  the 

offender. Section 376 gives discretion to the Court in regard to imposition of 

sentence,   depending   upon   the   facts   of   each   case,   so   long   as   the   limits 

prescribed are not breached. Therefore the assumption that no distinction is 

made   in   regard   to   either   punishment   under   the   Code   where   the   victim   is 

under twelve years of age, and therefore, all such victims should get an equal 

amount as monetary relief, is erroneous. 

14.    Section 357 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (`Cr.P.C.' for short) 

provides for a direction to pay compensation to the victim, from out of the 

fine. It does not provide that the compensation awarded should be a uniform 

fixed   amount.   Section   357A   of   Cr.P.C.   (introduced   with   effect   from 

31.12.2009)   requires   every   state   government   in   co-ordination   with   the 

central government, to prepare a scheme for providing funds for the purpose 

of   payment   of   compensation   to   the   victims   who   require   rehabilitation   (or 

who have suffered loss or injury as a result of the crime). This section also 

does not provide that the compensation should be an identical amount. The 


victim  may also  sue  the  offender  for compensation   in  a  civil  proceedings. 

There also the quantum may depend upon the facts of each case. Therefore 

the inference that the monetary relief awarded under the Relief Fund should 

be identical for all victims of rape under the age of twelve years, is illogical 

and cannot be accepted. 

15.     Having   regard   to   the   scheme   of   the   Relief   Fund   Rules,   grant   and 

disbursal   of   relief   amount   under   the   said   Relief   Fund   Rules   is   purely  ex  

gratia, at the discretion of the Chief Minister. The Relief Fund Rules do not 

create any right in any victim to demand or claim monetary relief under the 

fund.   Nor   do   the   Rules   provide   any   scheme   for   grant   of   compensation   to 

victims   of   rape   or   other   unfortunate   circumstances.   Having   regard   to   the 

nature and scheme of the Relief Fund and the purposes for which the Relief 

Fund   is   intended,   it   may   not   be   possible   to   provide   relief   from   the   Relief 

Fund, for all the affected  persons of a particular  category. Monetary relief 

under   the   Relief   Fund   Rules   may   be   granted   or   restricted   in   exceptional 

cases where the victims of offences, have been subjected to shocking trauma 

and   cruelty.   Naturally   any   public   outcry   or   media   focus   may   lead   to 

identifying or choosing the victim, for the purpose of grant of relief. Other 

victims   who   are   not   chosen   will   have   to   take   recourse   to   the   ordinary 


remedies available in law. It is not possible to hold that if one victim of a 

particular   category   is   given   a   particular   monetary   relief   under   the   Relief 

Fund Rules, every victim in that category should be granted relief or that all 

victims should be granted identical relief.

16.     The need to treat  equally  and the need to avoid discrimination arise 

where the claimants/beneficiaries have a legal right to claim relief and the 

government   or   authority   has   a   corresponding   legal   obligation.   But   that   is 

also subject to the principles relating to reasonable classification. But where 

the payment is ex-gratia, by way of discretionary relief, grant of relief may 

depend upon several circumstances. The authority vested with the discretion 

may take note of any of the several relevant factors, including the age of the 

victim,   the   shocking   or   gruesome   nature   of   the   incident   or   accident   or 

calamity,  the  serious  nature  of the  injury  or  resultant  trauma,   the need  for 

immediate   relief,   the   precarious   financial   condition   of   the   family,   the 

expenditure for any treatment and rehabilitation, for the purpose of extension 

of monetary relief. The availability of sufficient funds, the need to allocate 

the fund for other purposes may also play a relevant role. The authority at 

his   discretion,   may   or   may   not   grant   any   relief   at   all   under   Relief   Fund 

Rules, depending upon the facts and circumstance of the case. 


Re : Question No.(iii)

17.    The Chief Minister is the head of the State Government, though the 

executive power of the State is vested in the Governor. He is in-charge of the 

day   to  day   functioning   of  the   State   Government.   He  virtually   controls   the 

State   executive   and   legislature.     When   calamities,   disasters,   heinous   and 

dastardly   crimes   occur,   and   there   is   need   to   immediately   respond   by 

providing relief, regular governmental machinery may be found to slow and 

wanting,   as   they   are   bound   down   by   rules,   regulations   and   procedures. 

Special circumstances may warrant emergent financial assistance. It is also 

possible that the existing laws may  not provide for grant of relief in some 

circumstances   to   needy   victims.   It   is   in   such   circumstances,   the   Chief 

Minister's   Relief   Fund   is   necessary   and   useful.   Where   power   is   vested   in 

holders of high office like the Chief Minister to give monetary relief from 

such a Relief Fund, it is no doubt a power coupled with duty. Nevertheless, 

the authority will have the discretion to decide, where the Relief Fund Rules 

do not contain any specific guidelines, to whom relief should be extended, in 

what   circumstances   it   should   be   extended   and   what   amount   should   be 

granted by way of relief. 


18.     All functionaries of the State are expected to act in accordance with 

law,   eschewing   unreasonableness,   arbitrariness   or   discrimination.   They 

cannot act on whims  and fancies. In a democracy governed by the rule of 

law, no government or authority has the right to do what it pleases. Where 

the   rule   of   law   prevails   there   is   nothing   like   unfettered   discretion   or 

unaccountable   action.  But   this   does   not   mean   that   no   discretion   can   be 

vested in an authority or functionary of high standing. Nor does it mean that 

certain   funds   cannot   be   placed   at   the   disposal   of   a   high   functionary   for 

disbursal   at   his   discretion   in   unforeseen   circumstances.   For   example,   we 

may   refer   to   the   extreme   case   of   secret   funds   placed   at   the   disposal   of 

intelligence organizations and security organizations (to be operated by very 

senior officers) intended to be used in national interest and national security 

or crime detection relating to serious offences, either to buy information or 

to   mount   clandestine   operations.   Such   funds   should   not   be   confused   with 

slush   funds   kept   for   dishonest   purposes.   The   expenditure/disbursals   from 

such   secret   funds   are   not   subjected   to   normal   audits   nor   required   to   be 

accounted for in the traditional manner. Another example is the Relief Funds 

placed  at  the disposal   of  the  holders  of high  office  like  Prime Minister  or 

Chief Ministers of States to provide timely assistance to victims of natural 

calamities,   disasters,   and   traumatic   experiences,   or   to   provide   medical   or 


financial aid to persons in distress and needy, among other purposes. These 

Relief Funds are different from secret funds. The inflow into the Relief Fund 

and   the   disbursals   therefrom   are   fully   accounted.   The   Relief   Funds   are 

regularly   audited.   The   purposes   for   which   such   Relief   Funds   could   be 

utilized  are clearly  laid down, subject to the residuary discretion vested in 

the   Prime   Minister/Chief   Minister   to   grant   relief   in   unforeseen 

circumstances. The Prime Minister/ Chief Minister is given the discretion to 

choose the recipient of the relief, the quantum of the relief, and the timing of 

grant   of   such   relief.   Unless   such   discretion   is   given,   in   extraordinary 

circumstances   not   contemplated   in   the   guidelines,   the   Relief   Fund   in   the 

hands   of   the   Chief   Minister   may   be   useless   and   meaningless.   When 

discretion is vested in a high public functionary, it is assumed that the power 

will  be exercised  by  applying  reasonable  standards to achieve  the purpose 

for which the discretion is vested.

19.    A Constitution Bench of this Court in  B.P. Singhal v. Union of India 

(2010)   6   SCC   331   while   explaining   the   nature   of   judicial   review   of 

discretionary   functions   of   persons   holding   high   offices   held   that   such 

authority entrusted with the discretion need not disclose or inform the cause 

for exercise of the discretion, but it is imperative that some cause must exist, 


as otherwise the authority entrusted with the discretion may act arbitrarily, 

whimsically or mala fide. Elucidating the said principle this Court observed:

       "The extent and depth of judicial review will depend upon and vary with 

       reference  to the matter  under review.  As  observed by Lord  Steyn  in  Ex  

       parte   Daly  [2001   (3)   All   ER   433],   in   law,   context   is   everything,   and 

       intensity   of   review   will   depend   on   the   subject-matter   of   review.   For 

       example, judicial review is permissible in regard to administrative action, 

       legislations   and   constitutional   amendments.   But   the   extent   or   scope   of 

       judicial review for one will be different from the scope of judicial review 

       for other. Mala fides may be a ground for judicial review of administrative 

       action   but   is   not   a   ground   for   judicial   review   of   legislations   or 

       constitutional amendments."

20.    Whenever the discretion is exercised for making a payment from out 

of the Relief Fund, the Court will assume that it was done in public interest 

and for public good, for just and proper reasons. Consequently where anyone 

challenges the exercise of the discretion, he should establish prima facie that 

the exercise of discretion was arbitrary, mala fide or by way of nepotism to 

favour   undeserving   candidates   with   ulterior   motives.   Where   such   a   prima 

facie   case   is   made   out,   the   Court   may   require   the   authority   to   produce 

material to satisfy itself that the discretion has been used for good and valid 

reasons,   depending   upon   the   facts   and   circumstances   of   the   case.   But   in 

general, the discretion will not be open to question.


21.     The Relief Fund Rules does not confer absolute unguided discretion 

on   the  Chief   Minister.   Rule   4  as   noticed   above,   enumerates  the   six   major 

heads   of   purpose   for   which   the   relief   amount   from   the   fund   could   be 

sanctioned, namely, (i) persons affected by natural calamities and disasters 

like   famine,   flood   and   accidents,   (ii)   hospital   development   and   medical 

assistance,   (iii)   general   assistance   (social   unity,   education,   sports,   youth 

creativity,   etc.),   (iv)   benefits   to   ex-servicemen,   (v)   child   welfare,   and   (vi) 

development of Rajasthan. Each of the six purposes is further divided into 

detailed sub-heads. There are thus detailed guidelines as to the purposes for 

which the Relief Fund is to be used. There are checks and balances in regard 

to the expenditure/withdrawals from the said fund as the fund is subject to 

audit   by   the   auditor   of   the   local   fund  audit   department.  In   addition   to   the 

above, Rule 5 vests a residuary discretionary power upon the Chief Minister 

to sanction financial assistance from the Relief Fund, upto any limit in any 

matter to anyone. This is because it is not possible to foresee every possible 

situation   or   contingency   where   relief   should   be   or   could   be   given.   The 

discretion under Rule 5 is intended to be exercised in rare and extraordinary 




22.     As the Relief Fund is expected to be utilized for various purposes, it 

may not be proper or advisable to grant huge amounts in one or two cases, 

thereby denying the benefit of the Fund to other needy persons who are also 

the   victims   of   catastrophes.   The   amount   granted   should   therefore   be 

reasonable,   to   meet   the   immediate   need   of   coming   out   of   the 

trauma/catastrophe.  When there are no guidelines or when it is difficult  to 

limit the discretion in a high functionary by guidelines, the authority should 

be   careful   in   exercising   discretionary   power,   so   to   ensure   that   it   does   not 

give  room   for  nepotism, favoritism  or  discrimination.  Obviously  the  relief 

amount from the Fund cannot be given to persons who are not the victims of 

any   disaster   or   catastrophe   or   adverse   circumstances   or   who   do   not   fall 

under   any   of   the   categories   specified   in   the   Relief   Fund   Rules.   Relief 

amount cannot be granted,  merely because  the recipient  happens  to be the 

friend, supporter of the Chief Minister or belongs to his political party. The 

disbursement   or  payment   to  undeserving  cases  can   be  questioned.   But  the 

mere   fact   that   in   two   cases   of   rape   involving   extreme   viciousness   and 

depravity, high compensation has been granted having regard to the gravity 

of the offence and the surrounding circumstances, is by itself not sufficient 

to interfere with the discretion of the Chief Minister.


23.     In this case the grievance of the respondent is that in the case of one 

rape   victim   a   sum   of   Rs.5   lakhs   was   awarded   from   the   Chief   Minister's 

Fund, for another victim Rs.3.95 lakhs was awarded whereas in several other 

cases hardly Rs.10,000 to Rs.15,000 were awarded and in several other cases 

nothing was awarded. The Chief Minister's Relief Fund is not a scheme for 

the benefit of victims of rape. There are other schemes and other provisions 

for granting of compensation to such victims. As noticed above, the Chief 

Minister's   Relief   Fund   is   intended   to   provide   relief   to   victims   of   various 

calamities/disasters/accidents/incidents   and   serve   other   specified   purposes. 

The appellants have pointed out that Rs.5 lakhs was awarded in a shocking 

case   where   victim   was   only   a   few   months   old.   In   the   other   case   where 

Rs.3.95   lakhs   was   awarded   as   the   victim   required   rehabilitation   and   the 

family  of the victim was in dire  circumstances.  These  two payments  from 

the Relief Fund, cannot form the basis for issuing a direction to pay similar 

amounts to  other  victims   of  rape. Nor is  it  possible  to  hold  that failure  to 

give uniform ex-gratia relief is arbitrary or unconstitutional. 

24.       We may however note that the six specified purposes and their sub-

heads   enumerated   in   the   Relief   Fund   Rules   for   grant   of   relief   do   not 

specifically include victims of ghastly/heinous crimes. It may be appropriate 


to include a sub-category relating to such victims under category (i) or (iii) 

of Rule (4) of the Relief Fund Rules. Be that as it may. 

25.    We  therefore  allow this  appeal,  set  aside  the  impugned   order  of the 

High Court and dismiss the PIL filed by the respondent in the High Court, 

subject to the above observations.


                                                              (R. V. Raveendran)


                                                                    (A.K. Patnaik)

New Delhi;

August  25, 2011