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since 1985 practicing as advocate in both civil & criminal laws



Friday, August 9, 2024

i) The appeals are allowed; (ii) The impugned judgment and order dated 21st May 2024 passed by the High Court of Delhi in Bail Application Nos. 1557 and 1559 of 2024 is quashed and set aside; (iii) The appellant is directed to be released on bail in connection with ED Case No. HIU-II/14/2022 38 registered against the appellant by the ED and FIR No. RC0032022A0053 of 2022 registered against the appellant by the CBI on furnishing bail bonds for a sum of Rs.10,00,000/- with two sureties of the like amount; (iv) The appellant shall surrender his passport with the Special Court; (v) The appellant shall report to the Investigating Officer on every Monday and Thursday between 10-11 AM; and (vi) The appellant shall not make any attempt either to influence the witnesses or to tamper with the evidence.

2024 INSC 595






[Arising out of SLP(Criminal) No. 8781 of 2024]






[Arising out of SLP(Criminal) No. 8772 of 2024]



1. Leave granted. Appeals heard on merits.

2. The present appeals challenge the judgment and order

dated 21st May 2024 passed by the learned Single Judge of

the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi in Bail Application Nos.

1557 and 1559 of 2024, thereby rejecting the said

applications filed by the present appellant for grant of bail.

The aforesaid two applications were filed seeking bail in

connection with ED Case No. HIU-II/14/2022 registered 


against the appellant by the Directorate of Enforcement (for

short, ‘ED’) and First Information Report (FIR) No.

RC0032022A0053 of 2022 registered against the appellant

by the Central Bureau of Investigation (for short, ‘CBI’).

3. FIR No. RC0032022A0053 of 2022 came to be

registered by the CBI on 17th August 2022, and ED Case No.

HIU-II/14/2022 came to be registered by the ED on 22nd

August 2022.

4. Since both the cases arise out of similar facts, the latter

being the predicate offence and the former being a case

registered on the basis of the predicate offence, both these

appeals are heard and decided together.


5. The present case travelled two rounds before the trial

court, the High Court and this Court. This is now the third

round before this Court wherein the appellant is seeking bail

in connection with the aforesaid two cases.

6. On the basis of a letter dated 20th July 2022 addressed

by Shri Vinai Kumar Saxena, the Lieutenant Governor of

Delhi, alleging irregularities in the framing and 


implementation of Delhi’s Excise Policy for the year 2021-22,

the Director, Ministry of Home Affairs had directed an

enquiry into the said matter vide Office Memorandum dated

22nd July 2022. On 26th February 2023, the appellant came

to be arrested by the CBI. Subsequently, the appellant was

arrested by the ED on 9th March 2023.

7. After investigation, CBI filed charge-sheet on 25th April

2023 for the offences punishable under Sections 7, 7A, 8 and

12 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (for short, ‘PC

Act’) read with Sections 420, 201 and 120B of the Indian

Penal Code, 1860 (for short, ‘IPC’). Upon completion of

investigation, the ED filed a complaint under Section 3 of the

Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (for short, ‘PMLA’)

on 4th May 2023.

8. The first application for regular bail of the appellant in

CBI matter came to be rejected by the High Court on 30th

May 2023. Subsequently, the first application for regular bail

of the appellant in ED matter came to be rejected by the High

Court on 3rd July 2023. This Court, vide common order

dated 30th October 2023 (hereinafter referred to as “the first

order of this Court”) rejected the regular bail applications of 


the appellant in the CBI matter and the ED matter, with

certain observations which we will refer to in the subsequent


9. Subsequently, in view of the liberty granted by this

Court, the appellant filed second bail application before the

trial court on 27th January 2024. In the said proceedings,

the appellant was granted interim protection. However, by

an order dated 30th April 2024, the trial court rejected the

said bail application on the ground that there was no change

in the circumstances.

10. The appellant thereafter filed second bail application

before the High Court on 2nd May 2024. Vide impugned

judgment and order dated 21st May 2024, the learned Single

Judge of the High Court rejected the said bail application


11. Being aggrieved thereby, the appellant had approached

this Court by filing Special Leave Petition (Criminal) Nos.

7795 and 7799 of 2024.

12. The matter was heard on 4th June 2024. This Court, in

the said order (hereinafter referred to as “the second order of

this Court”) recorded the submissions of the learned Solicitor 


General that the investigation would be concluded and final

complaint/charge-sheet would be filed expeditiously and at

any rate on or before 3rd July 2024 and immediately

thereafter, the trial court would be free to proceed with the

trial. This Court recorded the submissions made by the

learned Solicitor General and observed that having regard to

the fact that the period of “6-8 months” fixed by this Court by

order dated 30th October 2023 had not yet come to an end,

disposed of the said petition with liberty to revive his prayer

afresh after filing of the final complaint/charge-sheet.

13. Accordingly, after filing of the final complaint/chargesheet, the appellant has approached this Court by way of the

present appeals. This Court, vide order dated 16th July 2024

had issued notice. In response thereto, counter affidavit has

been filed on behalf of the ED as well as the CBI opposing the

present appeals.


14. We have extensively heard Dr. Abhishek Manu Singhvi,

learned Senior Counsel appearing on behalf of the appellant

and Shri Suryaprakash V. Raju, learned Additional Solicitor

General (ASG) appearing on behalf of the respondents.


15. A preliminary objection has been raised on behalf of the

learned ASG that the appellant cannot be permitted to file

second set of SLPs to challenge the order of the High Court

dated 21st May 2024 when the earlier SLPs arising out of the

same order were disposed of. He submitted that the liberty

granted by this Court vide order dated 4th June 2024 has to

be construed as a liberty to apply to the trial court afresh. It

is submitted that, only after the appellant approaches the

trial court and in the event he does not succeed before the

trial court, thereafter he approaches the High Court and in

the event he also does not succeed before the High Court,

then only he would be entitled to approach this Court. He

therefore submitted that the present appeals deserve to be

rejected thereby relegating the appellant to approach the trial

court afresh. To buttress his submission, Shri Raju relied on

the judgment of this Court in the case of Kunhayammed

and Others v. State of Kerala and Others1.

16. The said preliminary objection has been opposed by Dr.

Singhvi, learned Senior Counsel appearing on behalf of the

appellant contending that this Court had specifically, vide its


(2000) 6 SCC 359 : 2000 INSC 339


first order dated 30th October 2023, granted liberty to the

appellant to move a fresh application for bail in case the trial

does not conclude within next 6-8 months and also in case

the trial is protracted and proceeds at a snail’s pace in next

three months. He submitted that, admittedly, the trial has

not been concluded within a period of 6-8 months from the

date of the first order of this Court. He further submitted

that the record would show that the trial was protracted and

proceeded at a snail’s pace in the period of three months

after the first order of this Court was passed. He submitted

that the second order of this Court clearly reserves the right

of the appellant to revive the request afresh after filing of the

final complaint/charge-sheet as assured by the learned

Solicitor General. Dr. Singhvi therefore prays for rejection of

the preliminary objection.

17. On merits, Dr. Singhvi submitted that this Court, vide

its first order dated 30th October 2023, has given various

findings in favour of the appellant. It is submitted that, a

perusal of the same would clearly reveal that at number of

places, this Court has given findings which would show that

the respondents have not been in a position to make out a 


prima facie case. Dr. Singhvi further submitted that a

perusal of the record would reveal that even the investigation

in the case is not complete. He therefore submitted that

unless the investigation is complete, the trial cannot proceed.

He submitted that three more supplementary complaints

have been filed on 10th May 2024, 17th May 2024 and 20th

June 2024 in the ED matter and as on 27th July 2024, there

were 40 persons who have been arrayed as accused in the

proceedings with more than 8 complaints. He further

submitted that, in the ED matter, the ED has cited 224

witnesses and produced 32,000 pages of documents. He

further submitted that, in the CBI matter, the CBI has cited

269 witnesses and produced around 37,000 pages of

documents. It is therefore submitted that in all there are 493

witnesses, excluding the ones in the 4th Supplementary

Charge-sheet filed by the CBI, who will have to be examined

and that in total the documents are running into around

69,000 pages.

18. Dr. Singhvi submitted that the ED has deliberately

concealed the documents it acquired during investigation by

putting documents exculpating the accused persons in the 


category of “un-relied upon documents”. It is submitted that,

as such, it was necessary for the appellant to inspect such

“un-relied upon documents”. He further submitted that there

was an inordinate delay on the part of the ED and the CBI in

producing the list of “un-relied upon documents”.

19. Dr. Singhvi submitted that, taking into consideration

the voluminous number of witnesses and documents, there

is no possibility of the trial seeing the light of the day and

therefore the appeals filed by the appellant deserve to be


20. Shri Raju vehemently opposed the present appeals. He

submitted that this Court, in its first order, after

enumerating various factors on merits of the matter in

paragraph 25 has held that the Court was not inclined to

accept the prayer for grant of bail. It is therefore submitted

that the appeals of the present appellant on merits were

specifically rejected.

21. Shri Raju further submitted that, though the Court

granted liberty to file a fresh application in the circumstances

enumerated in paragraph 29, it was held that the same

would be considered by the trial court on merits without 


being influenced by the dismissal of the earlier bail

applications including the said first order. It is therefore

submitted that the trial court as well as the High Court were

required to take into consideration the merits of the matter.

However, the present appellant opposed the consideration of

the application on merits and insisted on consideration of the

application only on the ground of delay in trial. It is

therefore submitted that both the courts have rightly

considered the merits of the matter and after considering the

merits, found that the appellant was not entitled to grant of

bail. He submitted that no interference would be warranted.

22. Shri Raju submitted that the trial court and the High

Court have specifically come to a finding that the appellant

has delayed the pre-charge proceedings by taking recourse to

the provisions of Section 207 of Criminal Procedure Code,

1973 (for short, ‘Cr.P.C.’). He submitted that more than

hundred applications have been filed out of which many are

under Section 207 Cr.P.C. These applications have been

filed only for the purpose of delaying the trial. It is submitted

that though in view of the law laid down by this Court in the 


case of P. Ponnusamy v. State of Tamil Nadu2

, such

applications could have been filed only after framing of the

charges, the same have been intentionally filed at a precharge stage of the trial, so as to delay the framing of the

charges. He submitted that though the appellant is entitled

to file an application for discharge, the same has not been

filed only in order to protract the trial. He submitted that the

totality of the circumstances would reveal that it is the

appellant who has been protracting the trial. It is submitted

that as the appellant himself is responsible for protracting

the trial, he cannot be permitted to take the benefit of the


23. The learned ASG submitted that unless the triple

conditions as stipulated under Section 45 of the PMLA are

satisfied, no person accused of an offence shall be released

on bail. It is submitted that, in the present case, this Court

itself by the first order has found that the appellant was not

entitled for bail on merits and as such, the second condition

stipulated under Section 45 of the PMLA that there are

2 2022 SCC OnLine SC 1543 : 2022 INSC 1175


reasonable grounds for believing that he is not guilty of such

offence, would not be satisfied in the present case.

24. The learned ASG further submitted that the appellant is

a very influential person having occupied the office of Deputy

Chief Minister of Delhi when the crime was committed. He

submitted that if the appellant is released on bail, there is

every possibility of him influencing the witnesses or

tampering with the evidence.

25. Dr. Singhvi, in rejoinder, has submitted that the

contention that the trial is being delayed due to the

applications being filed by the appellant under Section 207

Cr.P.C. is totally incorrect. He submitted that the said

applications were required to be filed since the prosecution

had not placed on record the documents exculpating the

accused persons by placing the same in the category of “unrelied upon documents”. He submitted that in order to avail

the right of a fair trial and in adherence to the principles of

natural justice as encapsulated in Section 207 Cr.P.C., the

appellant was forced to file such applications. However, each

of these applications were vehemently opposed by the

prosecution. It is submitted that the said material ought to 


have been placed on record by the prosecution themselves,

however, for the reasons best known to the prosecution, they

have not done so. He submitted that the appellant has filed

only 14 applications in ED case and 13 applications in CBI

case and that all these applications have been allowed by the

learned trial judge. He lastly submitted that even as per the

prosecution, if the entire “un-relied upon documents” are to

be supplied in digital form, it will take a long time. To

support his submission, Dr. Singhvi places reliance on the

compliance report dated 7th May 2024 filed by the Assistant

Director of ED which would fortify this position.


26. We will first deal with the preliminary objection of the

learned ASG with regard to the filing of the second set of

appeals before this Court challenging the order of the High

Court dated 21st May 2024 i.e., on the point of


27. Undisputedly, the appellant had earlier challenged the

same order dated 21st May 2024 vide SLP (Criminal) Nos.

7795 and 7799 of 2024. On doing so, a Division Bench of

this Court passed the order dated 4th June 2024. It will be 


apposite to refer to the observations made by this Court in

the said order, which read thus:

“Though, elaborate arguments have been made, we

do not propose to go into the said arguments or

dwell upon it and then record our reasons for the

simple reason that Co-ordinate Bench while

dismissing the appeals vide order dated 30.10.2023,

as noticed hereinabove has granted liberty to the

appellant, i.e., the petitioner herein to move a fresh

application for bail by placing reliance on the

assurance given on behalf of the prosecution that

they would conclude the trial by taking appropriate

steps within next 6-8 months and as such the

liberty was extended to the petitioner herein to move

a fresh application in case of change in

circumstances, or in case the trial is protracted and

proceeds at a snail’s pace in next three months. It

was also observed that if such an application is filed

in the aforesaid circumstances, the same would be

considered by the trial court on merits without

being influenced by the dismissal of the earlier bail

application including the judgment of this Court.

Shri Tushar Mehta, learned Solicitor General on

instructions would submit that the investigation

would be concluded and final complaint/charge

sheet would be filed expeditiously and at any rate

on or before 03.07.2024 and immediately thereafter,

the trial court will be free to proceed with trial. In

the light of the said submissions made and having

regard to the fact that the period of “6-8 months”

fixed by this Court by Order dated 30.10.2023

having not come to an end, it would suffice to

dispose of these petitions with liberty to the

petitioner to revive his prayer afresh after filing of

the final complaint/Charge-sheet as assured by

learned Solicitor General. Needless to state that in

the event of such an application being filed, the

same would be considered on its own merits as 


already observed by this Court vide paragraph 29

(supra). Contentions of both parties kept open.

Accordingly, these petitions stand disposed of. All

pending applications consigned to record.”

28. Before considering the submissions of the learned ASG

with regard to maintainability of the present appeals on

account of the second order of this Court, it will be apposite

to refer to certain observations made by this Court in its first

order, which read thus:

“26. However, we are also concerned about the

prolonged period of incarceration suffered by the

appellant – Manish Sisodia. In P. Chidambaram v.

Directorate of Enforcement (2020) 13 SCC 791,

the appellant therein was granted bail after being

kept in custody for around 49 days [P.

Chidambaram v. Central Bureau of

Investigation (2020) 13 SCC 337], relying on the

Constitution Bench in Shri Gurbaksh Singh

Sibbia and Others v. State of Punjab (1980) 2

SCC 565, and Sanjay Chandra v. Central Bureau

of Investigation (2012) 1 SCC 40, that even if the

allegation is one of grave economic offence, it is not

a rule that bail should be denied in every case.

Ultimately, the consideration has to be made on a

case to case basis, on the facts. The primary object

is to secure the presence of the accused to stand

trial. The argument that the appellant therein was a

flight risk or that there was a possibility of

tampering with the evidence or influencing the

witnesses, was rejected by the Court. Again, in

Satender Kumar Antil v. Central Bureau of

Investigation and Another (2022) 10 SCC 51, this

Court referred to Surinder Singh Alias Shingara

Singh v. State of Punjab (2005) 7 SCC 387 and

Kashmira Singh v. State of Punjab (1977) 4 SCC 


291, to emphasise that the right to speedy trial is a

fundamental right within the broad scope of Article

21 of the Constitution. In Vijay Madanlal

Choudhary (supra), this Court while highlighting

the evil of economic offences like money laundering,

and its adverse impact on the society and citizens,

observed that arrest infringes the fundamental right

to life. This Court referred to Section 19 of the PML

Act, for the in-built safeguards to be adhered to by

the authorised officers to ensure fairness, objectivity

and accountability. [See also Pankaj Bansal v.

Union of India and Ors. 2023 SCC OnLine SC

1244] Vijay Madanlal Choudhary (supra), also

held that Section 436A of the Code can apply to

offences under the PML Act, as it effectuates the

right to speedy trial, a facet of the right to life,

except for a valid ground such as where the trial is

delayed at the instance of the accused himself. In

our opinion, Section 436A should not be construed

as a mandate that an accused should not be

granted bail under the PML Act till he has suffered

incarceration for the specified period. This Court, in

Arnab Manoranjan Goswami v. State of

Maharashtra and Others (2021) 2 SCC 427, held

that while ensuring proper enforcement of criminal

law on one hand, the court must be conscious that

liberty across human eras is as tenacious as

tenacious can be.

27. The appellant – Manish Sisodia has argued that

given the number of witnesses, 294 in the

prosecution filed by the CBI and 162 in the

prosecution filed by the DoE, and the documents

31,000 pages and 25,000 pages respectively, the

fact that the CBI has filed multiple charge sheets,

the arguments of charge have not commenced. The

trial court has allowed application of the accused for

furnishing of additional documents, which order

has been challenged by the prosecution under

Section 482 of the Code before the High Court. It

was stated at the Bar, on behalf of the prosecution

that the said petition under Section 482 will be

withdrawn. It was also stated at the Bar, by the 


prosecution that the trial would be concluded

within next six to eight months.

28. Detention or jail before being pronounced guilty

of an offence should not become punishment

without trial. If the trial gets protracted despite

assurances of the prosecution, and it is clear that

case will not be decided within a foreseeable time,

the prayer for bail may be meritorious. While the

prosecution may pertain to an economic offence, yet

it may not be proper to equate these cases with

those punishable with death, imprisonment for life,

ten years or more like offences under the Narcotic

Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985,

murder, cases of rape, dacoity, kidnaping for

ransom, mass violence, etc. Neither is this a case

where 100/1000s of depositors have been

defrauded. The allegations have to be established

and proven. The right to bail in cases of delay,

coupled with incarceration for a long period,

depending on the nature of the allegations, should

be read into Section 439 of the Code and Section 45

of the PML Act. The reason is that the constitutional

mandate is the higher law, and it is the basic right

of the person charged of an offence and not

convicted, that he be ensured and given a speedy

trial. When the trial is not proceeding for reasons

not attributable to the accused, the court, unless

there are good reasons, may well be guided to

exercise the power to grant bail. This would be truer

where the trial would take years.

29. In view of the assurance given at the Bar on

behalf of the prosecution that they shall conclude

the trial by taking appropriate steps within next six

to eight months, we give liberty to the appellant –

Manish Sisodia to move a fresh application for bail

in case of change in circumstances, or in case the

trial is protracted and proceeds at a snail’s pace in

next three months. If any application for bail is filed

in the above circumstances, the same would be

considered by the trial court on merits without

being influenced by the dismissal of the earlier bail 


application, including the present judgment.

Observations made above, re.: right to speedy trial,

will, however, be taken into consideration. The

appellant – Manish Sisodia may also file an

application for interim bail in case of ill health and

medical emergency due to illness of his wife. Such

application would be also examined on its own


29. A perusal of the aforesaid would reveal that this Court

was concerned about the prolonged period of incarceration

suffered by the appellant. After considering various earlier

pronouncements, this Court emphasised that the right to

speedy trial is a fundamental right within the broad scope of

Article 21 of the Constitution. Relying on Vijay Madanlal

Choudhary and Others v. Union of India and Others3,

this Court observed that Section 436A Cr.P.C. should not be

construed as a mandate that an accused should not be

granted bail under the PMLA till he has suffered

incarceration for the specified period. This Court recorded

the assurance given by the prosecution that they shall

conclude the trial by taking appropriate steps within next 6-8

months. This Court, after recording the said submissions,

granted liberty to the appellant to move a fresh application

for bail in case of change in circumstances or in case the trial


(2022) SCC OnLine SC 929 : 2022 INSC 756


was protracted and proceeded at a snail’s pace in next three

months. This Court observed that if any application was

filed, the same would be considered by the trial court on

merits without being influenced by the dismissal of the

earlier bail applications including its own judgment. It

further observed that the observations made regarding the

right to speedy trial will be taken into consideration.

30. Since the trial proceeded at a snail’s pace in the period

after three months of the first order of this Court, the

appellant filed the second application for bail before the trial

court. The same came to be rejected by the trial court on

30th April 2024. It can thus be seen that it took a period of

almost three months for the trial court to decide the said

application. By the time the appellant approached the High

Court, a period of more than six months had elapsed from

the date on which the first order of this Court was passed.

The same also came to be rejected on 21st May 2024.

31. When the appellant approached this Court in the

second round and when the second order was passed by this

Court on 4th June 2024, a period of 7 months and 4 days

had elapsed from the date of the first order of this Court. 


However, this Court took into consideration the statement of

the learned Solicitor General that the investigation would be

concluded and final complaint/charge-sheet would be filed

expeditiously and at any rate on or before 3rd July 2024 and

thereafter, the trial court would be free to proceed with the

trial. It, after observing that “having regard to the fact that

the period of 6-8 months fixed by this Court in its first order

having not come to an end”, disposed of the petitions with

liberty to the appellant to revive his prayer afresh after filing

of the final complaint/charge-sheet.

32. It could thus be seen that this Court had granted liberty

to the appellant to revive his prayer after filing of the chargesheet. Now, relegating the appellant to again approach the

trial court and thereafter the High Court and only thereafter

this Court, in our view, would be making him play a game of

“Snake and Ladder”. The trial court and the High Court have

already taken a view and in our view relegating the appellant

again to the trial court and the High Court would be an

empty formality. In a matter pertaining to the life and liberty

of a citizen which is one of the most sacrosanct rights 


guaranteed by the Constitution, a citizen cannot be made to

run from pillar to post.

33. A careful reading of the second order of this Court dated

4th June 2024 would show that this Court recorded that they

did not propose to go into the arguments or dwell upon it in

view of the liberty granted in the first order of this Court.

Thereafter, this Court noticed the assurance of the learned

Solicitor General that the investigation would be concluded

and final complaint/charge-sheet would be filed at any rate on

or before 3rd July 2024. This Court further observed in its

second order that since the period of 6-8 months fixed by it in

its first order had not come to an end, it was inclined to

dispose of this petition with liberty to the appellant to revive

his prayer. It will be a travesty of justice to construe that the

carefully couched order preserving the right of the appellant to

revive his prayer for grant of special leave against the High

Court order, to mean that he should be relegated all the way

down to the trial court. The memorable adage, that procedure

is a hand maiden and not a mistress of justice rings loudly in

our ears.


34. In this respect, we may also gainfully refer to one of the

recent pronouncements by a bench of this Court to which

one of us (B.R. Gavai, J.) was a member in the case of Prabir

Purkayastha v. State (NCT of Delhi)4, which reads thus:

“21. The Right to Life and Personal Liberty is the

most sacrosanct fundamental right guaranteed

under Articles 20, 21 and 22 of the Constitution of

India. Any attempt to encroach upon this

fundamental right has been frowned upon by this

Court in a catena of decisions. In this regard, we

may refer to following observations made by this

Court in the case of Roy V.D. v. State of Kerala3:—

“7. The life and liberty of an individual is

so sacrosanct that it cannot be allowed to

be interfered with except under the

authority of law. It is a principle which

has been recognised and applied in all

civilised countries. In our Constitution

Article 21 guarantees protection of life

and personal liberty not only to citizens of

India but also to aliens.””

35. In our view, the liberty reserved by this Court vide its

second order, to revive the request of the appellant will have

to be construed as a liberty given by this Court to revive his

prayer afresh after filing of the final complaint/charge-sheet.

Undisputedly, the present appeals have been filed after the

final complaint/charge-sheet has been filed by the

4 2024 SCC OnLine SC 934 : 2024 INSC 414


respondents. In that view of the matter, we are not inclined

to entertain the preliminary objection and the same is




36. Having rejected the preliminary objection, we will

proceed to consider as to whether in the facts and

circumstances of the present case, the appellant is entitled to

grant of bail or not.

37. Insofar as the contention of the learned ASG that since

the conditions as provided under Section 45 of the PMLA are

not satisfied, the appellant is not entitled to grant of bail is

concerned, it will be apposite to refer to the first order of this

Court. No doubt that this Court in its first order in paragraph

25, after recapitulating in paragraph 24 as to what was

stated in the charge-sheet filed by the CBI against the

appellant, observed that, in view of the aforesaid discussion,

the Court was not inclined to accept the prayer for grant of

bail at that stage. However, certain paragraphs of the said

order cannot be read in isolation from the other paragraphs.

The order will have to be read in its entirety. In paragraph 


28 of the said order, this Court observed that the right to bail

in cases of delay, coupled with incarceration for a long

period, depending on the nature of the allegations, should be

read into Section 439 Cr.P.C. and Section 45 of the PMLA.

The Court held that the constitutional mandate is the higher

law, and it is the basic right of the person charged of an

offence and not convicted that he be ensured and given a

speedy trial. It further observed that when the trial is not

proceeding for reasons not attributable to the accused, the

court, unless there are good reasons, would be guided to

exercise the power to grant bail. The Court specifically

observed that this would be true where the trial would take

years. It could thus clearly be seen that this Court, in the

first round of litigation between the parties, has specifically

observed that in case of delay coupled with incarceration for

a long period and depending on the nature of the allegations,

the right to bail will have to be read into Section 45 of PMLA.

38. A Division Bench of this Court in the case of

Ramkripal Meena v. Directorate of Enforcement5 was

considering an application of the petitioner therein who was

5 SLP(Crl.) No. 3205 of 2024 dated 30.07.2024


to receive a bribe of rupees five crore and from whom, an

amount of Rs.46,00,000/- was already recovered. In the said

case, the petitioner was arrested on 26th January 2022 in

connection with FIR No. 402/2021 registered against him for

the offences punishable under Sections 406, 420, 120B of

IPC and Section 4/6 of the Rajasthan Public Examination

(Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 1992. He was released on

bail by this Court vide order dated 18th January 2023.

Thereafter, the petitioner was arrested by the ED on 21st

June 2023. The Court observed thus:

“7. Adverting to the prayer for grant of bail in the

instant case, it is pointed out by learned counsel for

ED that the complaint case is at the stage of

framing of charges and 24 witnesses are proposed

to be examined. The conclusion of proceedings,

thus, will take some reasonable time. The petitioner

has already been in custody for more than a year.

Taking into consideration the period spent in

custody and there being no likelihood of conclusion

of trial within a short span, coupled with the fact

that the petitioner is already on bail in the predicate

offence, and keeping in view the peculiar facts and

circumstances of this case, it seems to us that the

rigours of Section 45 of the Act can be suitably

relaxed to afford conditional liberty to the petitioner.

Ordered accordingly.”

39. In the light of the specific observations of this Court in

paragraph 28 of the first order, we are not inclined to accept 


the submission of the learned ASG that the provisions of

Section 45 of the PMLA would come in the way of

consideration of the application of the appellant for grant of


40. From the first order of this Court, it would be clear that

an assurance was given at the Bar on behalf of the

prosecution that they shall conclude the trial by taking

appropriate steps within next 6-8 months. In view of the

said statement, this Court did not consider the application of

the appellant for bail at that stage, however, granted liberty

to the appellant to move a fresh application for bail in case of

change in circumstances, or in case the trial is protracted

and proceeded at a snail’s pace in next three months.

Though, this Court observed that if any application for bail

was filed on the grounds mentioned in paragraph 29, the

same would be considered by the trial court without being

influenced by the dismissal of the earlier bail applications

including the present judgment, however, it clarified that the

observations made by the Court with regard to right to

speedy trial would be taken into consideration. The liberty

was also granted to the appellant to file an application for 


interim bail in case of ill-health and medical emergency due

to illness of his wife.

41. A perusal of the impugned judgment and order would

reveal that though the learned Single Judge of the High

Court has dismissed the applications for bail on merits, on

medical grounds, it has permitted the appellant to visit his

residence to meet his wife in custody once every week.

42. It could thus clearly be seen that this Court expected

the trial to be concluded within a period of 6-8 months. The

liberty was reserved to approach afresh if the trial did not

conclude within the period of 6-8 months. The liberty was

also granted in case the trial proceeded at a snail’s pace in

next three months.

43. A perusal of the material placed on record would clearly

reveal that far from the trial being concluded within a period

of 6-8 months, it is even yet to commence. Though in the

first order of this Court, liberty was reserved to move afresh

for bail if the trial proceeded at a snail’s pace within a period

of three months from the date of the said order, the

commencement of the trial is yet to see the light of the day.

In these circumstances, in view of the first order of this 


Court, the appellant was entitled to renew his request. When

the appellant renewed his request, the learned Special Judge

(trial court) as well as the High Court was required to

consider the said applications in the light of the observations

made by this Court in paragraphs 28 and 29 of the first

order. In paragraph 29 of the first order, this Court

specifically observed that though the observations on the

aspect of merit were not binding, the observations of right to

speedy trial were required to be taken into consideration.

44. The learned Special Judge and the learned Single Judge

of the High Court have considered the applications on merits

as well as on the grounds of delay and denial of right to

speedy trial. We see no error in the judgments and orders of

the learned Special Judge as well as the High Court in

considering the merits of the matter. In view of the

observations made by this Court in the first order, they were

entitled to consider the same. However, the question that

arises is as to whether the trial court and the High Court

have correctly considered the observations made by this

Court with regard to right to speedy trial and prolonged

period of incarceration. The courts below have rejected the 


claim of the appellant applying the triple test as

contemplated under Section 45 of the PMLA. In our view, this

is in ignorance of the observations made by this Court in

paragraph 28 of the first order wherein this Court specifically

observed that right to bail in cases of delay coupled with

incarceration for a long period should be read into Section

439 Cr.P.C. and Section 45 of the PMLA.

45. The trial court, in its order, has held that the appellant

individually and along with different accused persons have

been filing one or the other applications/making oral

submissions frequently. It further observed that some of

them were frivolous. It was observed that this was apparently

done as a concerted effort for accomplishing the shared

purpose of causing delay in the matter. The trial court

therefore rejected the contention of the appellant that he had

not contributed to delay in proceedings or that the case has

been proceeding at a snail’s pace. However, in the very

subsequent paragraph i.e., paragraph 80, the court observed

that, in order to avoid any delay and considering the time

being taken by the counsel for the accused in inspecting the

“un-relied upon documents”, it had vide order dated 18th


April 2024 put a query to the prosecution if the entire “unrelied upon documents” can be provided to the accused

persons in a digitized form. It further recorded that the ED

accepted the suggestion that it would expedite the

proceedings. However, some time was sought to consider the

same. A perusal of the compliance report filed by the

Assistant Director of ED dated 7th May 2024 which could be

found at page 757 of the paperbook, would reveal that the

Cyber Lab has informed that it would take 70-80 days to

prepare one copy (cloning) of the data contained in the said

unrelied digital devices.

46. It could further be seen that, though it has been

submitted on behalf of the ED that hundreds of applications

have been filed for supply of “un-relied upon documents”, the

record would not substantiate the said position. Though

various applications have been filed by different accused

persons, insofar as the present appellant is concerned, he

has filed only 13 applications in the CBI matter and 14 in the

ED matter. It would reveal that some of the applications are

for seeking permission to meet his wife or permission to file

vakalatnama, to put signature on the documents, seeking 


permission to sign a cheque etc. Most of the applications are

for supply of missing documents and legible copies under

Section 207/208 Cr.P.C. Some of the applications are for

inspection of the “un-relied upon documents”. It is pertinent

to note that all these applications have been allowed by the

learned trial court. It is further pertinent to note that some

of these orders were also challenged before the High Court

wherein stay was granted. However, a statement was made

on behalf of the prosecution before this Court when the first

order was passed that the said petitions filed under Section

482 Cr.P.C would be withdrawn. The said statement is

recorded in paragraph 27 of the first order of this Court. We

may state that, when we specifically asked the learned ASG

to point out any order wherein the learned trial judge found

any of the applications of the appellant to be frivolous, not a

single order could be pointed out.

47. In that view of the matter, we find that the finding of the

learned trial judge that it is the appellant who is responsible

for delaying the trial is not supported by the record. The

learned Single Judge of the High Court endorses the finding

of the trial court on the ground that the accused persons 


have taken three months’ time from 19th October 2023 to 19th

January 2024 for inspection of “un-relied upon documents”

despite repeated directions from the learned trial court to

conclude the same expeditiously. It is to be noted that there

are around 69,000 pages of documents involved in both the

CBI and the ED matters. Taking into consideration the huge

magnitude of the documents involved, it cannot be stated

that the accused is not entitled to take a reasonable time for

inspection of the said documents. In order to avail the right

to fair trial, the accused cannot be denied the right to have

inspection of the documents including the “un-relied upon


48. It is further to be noted that a perusal of the second

order of this Court would itself reveal that this Court

recorded the submissions of the learned Solicitor General,

which were made on instructions, that the investigation

would be concluded and final complaint/charge-sheet would

be filed expeditiously and at any rate on or before 3rd July

2024. Accordingly, 8th charge-sheet has been filed on 28th

June 2024 by the ED. It could thus be seen that, even

according to the respondents, the investigation was to be 


concluded on or before 3rd July 2024. In that view of the

matter, we find that the contention raised by the learned

ASG is self-contradictory. If the investigation itself was to

conclude on or before 3rd July 2024, the question is how

could the trial have commenced prior to that? If the

investigation itself was to conclude after a period of 8 months

from the date of the first order of this Court, there was no

question of the trial being concluded within a period of 6-8

months from the date of the first order of this Court. We find

that both the High Court and the trial court have failed to

take this into consideration.

49. We find that, on account of a long period of

incarceration running for around 17 months and the trial

even not having been commenced, the appellant has been

deprived of his right to speedy trial.

50. As observed by this Court, the right to speedy trial and

the right to liberty are sacrosanct rights. On denial of these

rights, the trial court as well as the High Court ought to have

given due weightage to this factor.

51. Recently, this Court had an occasion to consider an

application for bail in the case of Javed Gulam Nabi Shaikh 


v. State of Maharashtra and Another6 wherein the

accused was prosecuted under the provisions of the Unlawful

Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. This Court surveyed the

entire law right from the judgment of this Court in the cases

of Gudikanti Narasimhulu and Others v. Public

Prosecutor, High Court of Andhra Pradesh7

, Shri

Gurbaksh Singh Sibbia and Others v. State of Punjab8


Hussainara Khatoon and Others (I) v. Home Secretary,

State of Bihar9, Union of India v. K.A. Najeeb10 and

Satender Kumar Antil v. Central Bureau of

Investigation and Another11. The Court observed thus:

“19. If the State or any prosecuting agency

including the court concerned has no wherewithal

to provide or protect the fundamental right of an

accused to have a speedy trial as enshrined under

Article 21 of the Constitution then the State or any

other prosecuting agency should not oppose the

plea for bail on the ground that the crime

committed is serious. Article 21 of

the Constitution applies irrespective of the nature of

the crime.”

52. The Court also reproduced the observations made in

Gudikanti Narasimhulu (supra), which read thus:

6 2024 SCC OnLine SC 1693


(1978) 1 SCC 240 : 1977 INSC 232


(1980) 2 SCC 565 : 1980 INSC 68


(1980) 1 SCC 81 : 1979 INSC 34

10 (2021) 3 SCC 713 : 2021 INSC 50

11 (2022) 10 SCC 51 : 2022 INSC 690


“10. In the aforesaid context, we may remind the

trial courts and the High Courts of what came to be

observed by this Court in Gudikanti

Narasimhulu v. Public Prosecutor, High Court

reported in (1978) 1 SCC 240. We quote:

“What is often forgotten, and therefore

warrants reminder, is the object to keep a

person in judicial custody pending trial or

disposal of an appeal. Lord Russel, C.J.,

said [R v. Rose, (1898) 18 Cox]:

“I observe that in this case bail

was refused for the prisoner. It

cannot be too strongly impressed

on the, magistracy of the country

that bail is not to be withheld as a

punishment, but that the

requirements as to bail are merely

to secure the attendance of the

prisoner at trial.””

53. The Court further observed that, over a period of time,

the trial courts and the High Courts have forgotten a very

well-settled principle of law that bail is not to be withheld as

a punishment. From our experience, we can say that it

appears that the trial courts and the High Courts attempt to

play safe in matters of grant of bail. The principle that bail is

a rule and refusal is an exception is, at times, followed in

breach. On account of non-grant of bail even in straight

forward open and shut cases, this Court is flooded with huge

number of bail petitions thereby adding to the huge 


pendency. It is high time that the trial courts and the High

Courts should recognize the principle that “bail is rule and

jail is exception”.

54. In the present case, in the ED matter as well as the CBI

matter, 493 witnesses have been named. The case involves

thousands of pages of documents and over a lakh pages of

digitized documents. It is thus clear that there is not even

the remotest possibility of the trial being concluded in the

near future. In our view, keeping the appellant behind the

bars for an unlimited period of time in the hope of speedy

completion of trial would deprive his fundamental right to

liberty under Article 21 of the Constitution. As observed time

and again, the prolonged incarceration before being

pronounced guilty of an offence should not be permitted to

become punishment without trial.

55. As observed by this Court in the case of Gudikanti

Narasimhulu (supra), the objective to keep a person in

judicial custody pending trial or disposal of an appeal is to

secure the attendance of the prisoner at trial.

56. In the present case, the appellant is having deep roots

in the society. There is no possibility of him fleeing away from 


the country and not being available for facing the trial. In any

case, conditions can be imposed to address the concern of

the State.

57. Insofar as the apprehension given by the learned ASG

regarding the possibility of tampering the evidence is

concerned, it is to be noted that the case largely depends on

documentary evidence which is already seized by the

prosecution. As such, there is no possibility of tampering

with the evidence. Insofar as the concern with regard to

influencing the witnesses is concerned, the said concern can

be addressed by imposing stringent conditions upon the



58. In the result, we pass the following order:

(i) The appeals are allowed;

(ii) The impugned judgment and order dated 21st May

2024 passed by the High Court of Delhi in Bail

Application Nos. 1557 and 1559 of 2024 is quashed

and set aside;

(iii) The appellant is directed to be released on bail in

connection with ED Case No. HIU-II/14/2022 


registered against the appellant by the ED and FIR

No. RC0032022A0053 of 2022 registered against the

appellant by the CBI on furnishing bail bonds for a

sum of Rs.10,00,000/- with two sureties of the like


(iv) The appellant shall surrender his passport with the

Special Court;

(v) The appellant shall report to the Investigating Officer

on every Monday and Thursday between 10-11 AM;


(vi) The appellant shall not make any attempt either to

influence the witnesses or to tamper with the


59. Pending application(s), if any, shall stand disposed of in

the above terms.






AUGUST 09, 2024.